
Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Point University?

Point University is our higher education partner that confers associate, bachelor's and master's degrees. The private, four-year university was founded in 1937. It is a regionally accredited, nonprofit Christian institution. Their main campus is located in historic West Point, Georgia.

What does it mean for a college to be accredited?

Accreditation is a voluntary process that ensures a college, university, or degree program meets a universal standard for quality. This gives an institution and its graduates credibility with other institutions and employers. This helps enable students to transfer credits to or from Point University.

Can I use my education benefits to attend another university or college?

At this time, employer-sponsored higher education benefits from Ficus Education can be utilized for the online programs from Point University.

How much does it cost?

Education benefits cover 100% of tuition. Team Members are only responsible for the cost of books and administrative fees such as technology fees or graduation dues. 

What happens if I switch majors, fail a class or withdraw from a class?

Changing your area of study or major is a normal part of a college experience. Failing a course or needing to withdraw are also parts of the higher education journey. As such, there is no penalty as it relates to access to the employer-sponsored higher education benefits if you change majors, fail a course, or need to withdraw from a class.

What happens if I no longer work at my employer?

If you are no longer working at the employer, you will no longer be eligible to utilize employer-sponsored education benefits. Any employee utilizing the education benefits is allowed to complete the current 8-week course(s) if enrolled. However, all costs associated with college including tuition will be the responsibility of the student. There are no requirements to repay or reimburse your employer.    

Are all students welcome at Point Unviersity?

A key component of Point University’s mission is the recognition that the way of Christ is never coercive and does not employ compulsion or force. Although Point University is a Christian institution, they welcome all students regardless of their belief or religion. 

Furthermore, while Point University provides ample opportunities for faith and spiritual formation, they do not require belief or adherence to a doctrinal standard or creed of any of their students. As with any institution of higher education, students may be exposed to new views or views with which they disagree. But, in keeping with the ethos of the pursuit of learning in higher education, Point University does not require students to espouse any one view. 

Although Point University does have certain behavioral standards for students who attend the residential campus, online students are only required to abide by academic policies and procedures specified in the catalog (i.e. no academic dishonesty/plagiarism, etc.). 

Above all, Point University asks that all students treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of race, creed, or religion. All students are welcome at Point University. 

How many classes should I take and what is the time commitment?

Each student can decide to take 1 or 2 classes per 8-week session. At Point University, taking one class per session is considered part-time, and 2 classes per session is full-time. Students should plan to spend approximately six hours per week per class. 

Am I required to be a full-time or part-time student to utilize employer-sponsored higher education benefits?

At Point University, taking one class per session is considered part-time, and 2 classes per session is full-time. Both part-time and full-time enrollment is covered by the employer-sponsored higher education benefit. It is recommended that students plan on approximately six hours a week per course.

I want to apply. What should I do?

Click the "Connect with Us" button in the top right hand of the page and fill out the interest form!

How long does the application/admissions process take?

The enrollment process can take up to 6 to 8 weeks. 

How soon can I start classes?

Students should plan on the application process requiring up to 8 weeks. Students can begin taking classes at any of the six start dates throughout the year once enrolled. Point University offers two sessions each in the fall, spring semester and summer semesters

Who is eligible to utilize employer-sponsored higher education benefits?

The only requirements to be eligible for the program are 1) that team members is employed by the sponsoring organization and 2) that the team member is in “good standing” with their employer.

Team members should speak with their employer to clarify and confirm eligibility requirements.

If your employer does not currently offer employer-sponsored higher education benefits, please connect with us:

What if I already have a degree?

Whether you already have a degree, started a degree, or never attended college, you are eligible to apply to utilize employer-sponsored higher education benefits to attend Point University. 



What are the admission requirements of your university partner?

Applicants with a 2.5 high school GPA or a 2.0 college GPA (in core classes) will be considered for admission. Point University also takes into consideration any test scores, work experience and recommendations.

If a student does not meet the GPA criteria for admission, Point University offers a Point Admission Assessment (PAA) which is an at-home, self-paced assessment to help us ensure a student is ready for college level work. If the student meets the criteria, Point University will offer admission. Students with alternative high school completion such as a GED are also considered for admission.

In 2021-2022, 94% of applicants with a complete file were admitted for the academic year.

Do I need to work full time to utilize the employer-sponsored higher education benefits?

Team members should connect with their employer to confirm eligibility. 

Do I have to stay at the company a certain amount of time to get free college?

Team members should connect with their employer to confirm eligibility. 

What other requirements are there to participate?

Team members should connect with their employer to confirm eligibility and any participation requirements. 

To ensure higher education that is tuition free, team members must complete a FAFSA and the Chick-fil-A Remarkable Futures scholarship application annually. 

Are my family members eligible for this program?

Only eligible team members  employed by the sponsoring organization can utilize the employer-sponsored higher education benefits. 

I'm not a U.S. citizen. Am I eligible to participate in the program?

To utilize the employer-sponsored higher education benefits, employees must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) each year. This is open to U.S. citizens as well as eligible non-citizens. Please visit to learn more about eligibility for non-U.S. citizens.

Do I have to apply for financial aid?

Employees must successfully complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) each year.

Chick-Fil-A Team Members must also complete the Remarkable Futures™ application when it is available.

What is FAFSA?

FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid.  You are required to complete your FAFSA to utilize the employer-sponsored higher education benefits. The FAFSA is used to award federal aid to students including need-based aid such as scholarships and grants.  This helps ensure that we can continue to offer tuition free college education to team members. 

Can I take out student loans to cover the cost of my books?

The employer-sponsored higher education benefits are designed to help employees avoid the need for student loans and graduate with a college degree debt free. Due to the continuing student debt crisis, the use of student loans to finance text books is discouraged.  Furthermore, Point University strives to ensure that books are as reasonably accessible to students as possible.

How much do books cost?

The cost of books is dependent on each course and area of study. Students should contact their academic advisor at Point University to confirm the exact investment. 

Is there a cap or limit to the number of credit hours that a student can complete with this program?

No, team members are eligible to receive an associate, bachelor's and/or master’s degree. Employees may pursue multiple degrees if desired.

Are there any upfront costs?

The only nominal upfront cost is to retrieve your official transcript(s) as part of the application process to Point University. Students are responsible for text books however all tuition is covered. 

How long does it take to get a degree?

Part-time and full-time enrollment are available at Point University. Students can graduate from the online program in the traditional amount of time: 2 years for associate degrees and 4 years for bachelor's degrees. Team members should work with their employer and their academic advisor to outline a plan to graduation that meets their needs and timeline expectations.

How many classes can I take at a time?

You are able to take up to 2 classes each session (every 8 weeks).

When do classes start?

Classes start every 8 weeks. There are two class sessions in the spring, two class sessions in the summer and two class sessions in the fall.

Do I have a certain amount of time to complete my degree?

No. You can set your own pace to complete your degree depending on your personal goals.

Do I have to attend classes in person?

No. All classes, homework and tests are online.

What types of degrees are offered?

You can see a list of all degrees available from Point University here:

What level of education can I get?

You are able to get an Associates, Bachelor's and/or Master's degree. You are able to pursue multiple degrees as well. (i.e.. If you already have a degree, you may take advantage of the program to pursue another degree or a higher level of education)

Are second bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees or doctoral programs offered through the program?

Yes! Team Members are welcome to pursue a second degree, or higher level degree through this program. 

What if I want to take part in the program, but Point University doesn’t offer the degree program I want?

Point University currently offers more than 25 associate’s, bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs delivered online.

If your preferred major isn’t offered today, make an appointment and we can help you find a degree suitable to your interests and aspirations. 

Furthermore, courses may be taken and transferred to another higher education institution that provides your degree of choice. 

Do my previous college credits transfer?

Yes, students can transfer credits from other universities or colleges. Previous credits are evaluated by an advisor team at Point University to determine which credits can transfer from another institution. Transfer credits are reviewed for each student. Credits can transfer out of Point University to other universities thanks to their accreditation as well.

Can I attend Point University on campus?

No, the subscription agreement for employer-sponsored higher education benefits is for online programs only.

I’m currently enrolled at another college/school. Would I have to transfer immediately to use this program?

You can transfer to Point University at any time, provided you meet the admissions criteria. Once transferred, the education benefit will start covering tuition as soon as you start classes at Point University.

Can I attend a study abroad opportunity?

No, our employer-sponsored higher education benefits do not cover study abroad programs at this time.

What kinds of support services will I receive as a part of the program?

There will be many people to support you along the way from the moment you start an application to the day you graduate. A few of the key resources are listed here:

  • Onboarding Specialist: This is your initial point of contact for the program. They will answer your questions and help you take the next steps in starting your college journey.
  • Enrollment Specialist: This is your main point of contact at Point university and will be with you throughout your application journey! They will guide and direct you step by step on the college process all the way through registering for and starting classes.
  • Financial aid counselor: Financial aid counselors are responsible for supporting you as you plan your financial journey through college. They can help you understand how to complete your FAFSA and associated documentation.
  • Academic advisor: This individual is responsible for discussing transferred and remaining credits, providing course recommendations, explaining policies and procedures, recommending applicable resources, answering program-specific questions and keeping you on track to graduate. Academic advisors work with you from the time you are admitted to the program through graduation.
Does Point University offer disability support services for online students?

Yes. Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services offers support to any online student with a qualified disability. You can read more about those services here:

Is tutoring available for online students?

Yes, all students including online learners have access to an array of student support services. Services such as advising, disability services, library and tutoring services, math lab and more are available at no cost to students. To learn more about these available support services, visit

Graduated Girl

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